Thursday, March 27, 2014

Running Record: Silly, Funny, Proud, Exacerbating Johnson Family Moments Through Mom's Eyes

March 26, 2014
OMG small nightmare trying to help Sawyer choose some books for his book exchange at pre-school. Apparently every single one of the 500 books we have are his "favorite," including the ones with bitten/torn pages, the ones I'm sure we haven't even read, and the ones about such child-friendly subjects as bull-fighting in Madrid (What?! Where did that one come from?!). We finally settled on a couple, but I will not be one bit surprised if he comes home tomorrow with his very own books. Not sure he understands the concept of book EXCHANGE... We will see how it goes LOL! Send good thoughts for his brave teacher 

March 19, 2014
Sawyer (out of the blue): "I wanna blast off to the moon! Rocket ships are weally fast. Rocket ships are weally cool. I wanna go there right now! Mommy, is it closed?"

March 12, 2014
Wylie is crying because he doesn't want the medicine and Sawyer is crying because the medicine is not for him. Ha! What a day 

March 14, 2014
You know you're a mom when your once-active shot glasses are used only a few times a year... to disperse medicine!

March 13, 2014
Uggh. My family is so sick. Four ear ear infections, foundation-shaking coughs, high fevers galore. Really had to dig deep into our arsenal of medicine for this bug!! The wine is mine. I won a giant bottle of cheap wine at a White Elephant before Christmas... Desperate times call for desperate measures! Hahaha! I crack myself up :)

March 12, 2014
Wylie is crying because he doesn't want the medicine and Sawyer is crying because the medicine is not for him. Ha! What a day 

March 8, 2014
A+ parenting: let them take off their shirts and give them more chocolate.

March 7, 2014
Happy 2nd birthday to my little firecracker, Wylder Eris. Vivacious, curious, perseverant, sweet... You bring me endless joy and always keep me on my toes. Love you to the moon and back, Wy Man!!

March 3, 2014
Celebrating Dr. Seuss's 110th birthday at the Johnson's! We made Cat in the Hat hats and whiskers and green-egg cookies, Our favorite books tonight were the Cat in the Hat, The Cat in the Hat Came Back, and I Can Read With My Eyes Shut. We liked the simple biography on YouTube. The boys liked seeing the different characters from the books we have read and also seeing the photos of Theodor Seuss Geisel at a few different ages. Happy Read Across America Day, everyone!!

February 27, 2014
Brother, you are going to have a birthday and we are going to have a party. For you. You are going to get presents and I am going to borrow them. Not all of them. Only one. The one that is my favorite.

Tell it like it is, Sawyer… (only I have a feeling he won't be borrowing "only one." Knowing him, they will probably all be his "favorite" LOL)

February 15, 2014
I think Sawyer is confused about the whole dog training thing... He is waving a piece of his bagel in front of Wylie's face saying, "Sit Brudder. Sit!"

January 31, 2014
When you're a mom, a wife, and an elementary school teacher, sometimes coming home to a quiet house on Friday evening is the best thing EVER!!

January 21, 2014
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
-Martin Luther King, Jr

January 8, 2014
Yummm... Homegrown babyback ribs in Alaskan raspberry chipotle sauce with maple raspberry beans and, of course, a side of homemade mac 'n cheese (I don't think we have had a meal without a side of mac 'n cheese in at least 2 years, thanks to our picky eaters - but oh well!).

Even though I constantly make jokes about having enough meat to survive the winter, we feel so fortunate to be able to grow and harvest such delicious and nutritious food here in Kachemak Bay!! Last night we BBQed one of our chickens with purple cabbage coleslaw and pickled veggies on the side, and tomorrow we are having fresh winter king with roasted lime-green romanesco and purple cauliflower. Nate says I spend too much time putting meals together based on color combinations, but I think - at least every once in awhile - dinner should be a work of art!!

January 8, 2014
Marathon training Homer-style: Icebugs, multiple headlamps, and shorts!!! My faithful trainers are sponsored (bribed) by Trader Joes organic lollipops...

January 5, 2014
Waiting on the runway on our delayed flight... "This airplane is not workin', Mom! Change the batteries so we can go ridin', please!" — at Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport.

December 21, 2013
I am flying. On a plane. Alone!!! It's been 3 1/2 years since I've had my own seat... I am not quite sure I'll know what to do with myself. But it's going to be fun! So stoked for Allison Boomer's wedding and some serious Whitman Swim Team Love! Missionaries, Missionaries, We're on TOP!!

November 27, 2013
Right about this time three years ago, my water broke when I was sweeping the floor and I headed up to the hospital. Having read every "What to Expect" book on the shelf, attended (or at least slept through) a full month of childbirth/infant care courses, and taken TWO infant CRP/first aid classes, I was probably over-prepared for the impending hours; but I certainly was not over-prepared for everything else the roller coaster of motherhood has brought...for the wild overprotectiveness and raw emotional vulnerability that overtakes me continually while listening to the news or watching dramatic movies; for the constant second-guessing of my choices; for the sheer lack of time... and so, so much more important than all of that - for the overwhelming joy and pride that comes with being a mom; for the staggering happiness that every belly laugh, high five, silly sentence, new landmark, snuggle, kiss 'n hug bring.

The three years have flown by, but it also seems like a lifetime ago that I first held my little boy in my arms. I feel incredibly honored to be on this motherhood journey with all you amazing mommas out there. Happy Birthday, Sawyer. I am so proud of the smart and kind little man you are becoming, and I love you more than words can ever say XOXO

November 13, 2013 
Me: What'd you do at school today, Bud?
Sawyer: Nothin'

And so it begins...

November 11, 2013 
One quiet, snowy November 11th, our friend Darren married us in his living room. Dress code was Grunden's fleece pants and we all ate tacos. A few months down the road, sans snow, we celebrated again with a fancy dress and a truly awesome partay. Happy anniversary, Babe! Love you more and more every day.

November 10, 2013 
Sawyer is starting preschool tomorrow! He was listing all the things he wanted me to pack in his brand new lunch box. Then he said, "Mommy, I'm hungry!"

"Right now?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied. "I'm hungry for school!"

November 8, 2013 
We are trying to teach Sawyer about first and last names.

Nate: What's my name?
Sawyer: Your name is Nate Johnson.
Nate: What's brother's name?
Sawyer: Brother's name is Wylder Johnson.
Nate: What's your name?
Sawyer: I'm Sawyer Johnson and I'm 3!!
Nate: What's Mom's name?
Sawyer: Mommy Johnson!

October 18, 2013
Sawyer: Mommy, I no like books.
Me: You do too, you stinker!
Sawyer: (shaking head like crazy) No Mommy... I love books!

September 19, 2013
With fall rolling in quickly, I just want to take a second to honor the summer's great salmon run. Thank you for helping us pay our bills and giving us tasty nutrients all winter. The Johnsons love salmon!!

September 8, 2013
Every once-in-awhile, neither of my kids wake up and I get a full night's sleep. It is SOOOOO AWESOME!!!

August 28, 2013
At times, parenting toddlers is exhausting. Sometimes I am just like, "Elmo, my main man! Save me from these monsters!!" Thank God for Sesame Street.

August 11, 2013
Sawyer today: "Mommy, what's that?"
"It's fog, Soyster."
"Mommy! Open the fog! I want to see the mountains!"
Apparently, moms can do anything...

July 23, 2013 
Beautiful evening for a drive around the ol' stomping grounds. Louis Huber.... Sweetest memories. I just love where we live!!!!

July 19, 2013
Lovely, HOT afternoon in the high tunnel with Lauren! Tomorrow's projects - kale chips and pickled turnips. Brought the drier, canner, and smoker up from the crawl space... Doesn't look like they'll be going back down anytime soon!

July 16, 2013
You know you have too much stuff when you have to cram your Costco loot in the front seat because there is NO SPACE LEFT ANYWHERE else in the car... And then you have to buckle the groceries in to keep the seatbelt sensor from dinging! Yeah, we had a great vacation... And we have PLENTY of souvenirs to prove it!!!

July 9, 2013
Forget ankle weights and a backpack of cans... I've got a built-in trainer! And he cries when I try to sneak in a breathing break. What better encouragement could you have?! 

June 24, 2013 
I love wildflowers! They bring back so much nostalgia... of playing in the fields by Halibut Campground, making stupid jokes up about dog poop lilies, wishing on dandelion puffballs, and keeping an eye on the inlet for my dad's boat. It was extremely unlikely that I would spot him, but I never got tired of watching the waves and hoping.

June 20, 2013
He's Walkin'
Sawyer is teaching Wylie to walk

June 5, 2013 
The kids are finally in bed and it is quieter than it's been in a long time. Got Chani off to Bristol Bay yesterday and Nate off to Kodiak this evening. It has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster as I HATE being left!! But I do kinda like being alone and I am ready to settle into our summer routine. I had big plans to catch up on my mile-long to-do list tonight, but I think at this point it'll all have to wait until tomorrow. This tired momma is ready to zone out in front of the tube!!

May 2, 2013
Sawyer went and got a picture of Nate and Wylie off the fridge tonight and took it to bed with him. He kissed them both and tucked the picture in next to him. What a cutie.

May 23, 2013
Well, I guess I missed Wylder's first steps this morning while I was at work.... And I believe I detected a bit of smugness in Nate's voice when he told me about it LOL!! Glad he got to have this one to himself, though  He misses enough while out fishing. I sure can't wait to see that little boy try again, though! Go Wylie, go!!

April 27, 2013
There is nothing like sleeping at right at the beach. I love hearing the sounds of the ocean all night! The boys don't always sleep great in the camper, but they sure did last night. What a beautiful morning!

April 23, 2013
My brother-in-law gave Sawyer a soccer ball and two goal cones last time he was in town. The kid absolutely loves them! Not only does he like to play with them constantly, kicking the ball through the goal cones over and over, but he also insists on sleeping with them. It is so funny at night - first he takes his ball and tucks it in, then positions both the cones on either side of himself, then pulls up the blankets up around himself and holds out his hands for his sippy cup. "Night, night, Mamma!" Kids are a riot!!

March 30, 2013
Not only is Sawyer now extremely picky about HIS clothes (all shirts must have dogs on them or they are unwearable), but he now believes he should also dictate MY wardrobe. Tonight he wants me to wear the dress I wore to my wedding rehearsal dinner, and NOT a pair of sweatpants. He is mad!

November 4, 2012
Wylie's standing! 

September 16, 2012
Sawyer's new thing is to unscrew the lids to his cups and bottles and dump the contents all over. So NOT FUNNY!

September 8, 2012
You know you're a mom when about half your calories come from Munchkin snack cups. And are stale.

September 8, 2012 
Packing Nate's cooler for his moose hunting trip. After composing a list of the ingredients for meals for the entire 10 days, the only thing I needed was onions. I'm such a food hoarder!! If there's ever an apocalypse, you know whose pantry/freezer to raid.

August 5, 2012 
Yummmm, sweet potatoes. Wylie's second food. He's doubled his birth weight plus 1.5 lbs in 5 months and grew 6 inches!

July 17, 2012
I was soaking wet before I realized I had gotten in the shower in my undies. Oh dear. Could use a bit more sleep!

June 16, 2012
Wy man rolled over today!

April 30, 2012
You know you're tired when you find you've put a dirty toddler outfit in the fridge and a half-full bottle in the washer. Oh dear.

March 29, 2012
Wylder is two full pounds over birthweight at three weeks - perfect!!

January 4, 2012
We had a heck of a trip home! 5 airports, 3 trips through security, claimed and recheck bags 4 times, stuck overnight in Portland... In San Diego, security even gave me a full pat down in a private room. Ummm, hello. I have a 13-month-old and I'm 7 months pregnant. How could I possibly have time or the brainpower to be a terrorist?!? It's just about all I can do to keep my son's fingers out of electrical circuits and plan what I'm going to eat next  So glad to finally be home!

December 19, 2011
Having an AWESOME time in Chacala so far! One thing I love about this town: every day until Christmas, a big bell rings around 3:30, and all the families and kids in the whole town go to someone's house for a fiesta. It's a different family hosting each day. Pinatas, cake, dulces, etc. Even we were invited!

Tomorrow, Nate and I are going out fishing for mackerel and ahi while Sawyer parties with Gma. Yum yum!

October 1, 2011
Little boy feet! Sawyer's brother is due March 3rd.

August 12, 2011
Sawyer just crawled from my bedroom to the kitchen! Watch out world!!!

July 9, 2011
We had a wonderful vacation - so nice spending time with my mom and everyone else and we LOVED soaking up the sun!! But flying over the head of the bay tonight, looking down at the calm bay and dark, majestic mountains, I was so happy to be home. There is no place like Homer. I love it here!!

April 9, 2011
ANNOUNCEMENT: Sawyer is rolling!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 24, 2011
Tonight Mary and I tied the handle of Sawyer's car seat to the elliptical while we were working out. Presto! Rockabye baby! Pretty ingenious, if I do say so myself.

January 8, 2011
Sawyer has to have almond oil rubbed on his dry skin. He smells like a 10 lb. 2 oz roasted nut!

December 16, 2010
Sawyer gained 19 oz in 13 days. Hurray healthy little dude!!

November 29, 2010
The baby's name is Sawyer David. Thanks again to everyone for all your well wishes and prayers. He's a wonderful, healthy little guy so far!

November 28, 2010
Thanks everyone for the good wishes! Adorable baby boy (unnamed as of yet) arrived 5:10 am - 7 lbs exactly, 21 inches. xoxo

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